
Mid-day shots to boost your energy.

Ruby3 + Rails7 Upgrade Feb 02, 2024 by gohkhoonhiang

Recently I just completed Ruby2->Ruby3 + Rails6->Rails7 upgrade for my private project. Initially I thought it would take a lot of fixing to make it work, but was surprised it only impacted 17 out of the 88 Ruby files out of the app/ directory. Since it was a relatively simple fix, I decided to just write a shot instead of a long article to document my changes.

Building a bi-directional progress bar May 04, 2023 by gohkhoonhiang

I needed to build a bi-directional indefinite progress bar for the Triple Tee App.

Cannot open unsigned Electron App on Apple Silicon Mac May 01, 2023 by gohkhoonhiang

I released the installer for MacOS (arm64) distribution for the SG SSB Tracker app on Github Releases, and downloaded it to install the app, MacOS told me it’s damaged and should move it to the bin.

How to create the same column width grid layout in the same page Apr 20, 2023 by gohkhoonhiang

So the problem I encountered was this: I have a page that have 2 separate grid sections. Each section can have its own variable number of items. I want to display the items in a 3-column grid layout.

Using Github as a pseudo-JSON API server Apr 11, 2023 by gohkhoonhiang

While building the SG Bank Interests Compare App, I faced a problem: “How can I serve JSON data API while hosting the app on Github Pages?”